브레이크뉴스 임국정 기자 = 여야가 제22대 국회 법제사법위원장과 운영위원장 자리를 놓고 서로 자신들의 몫임을 주장하며 공방을 벌이고 있다.
여당인 국민의힘 소속 정광재 대변인은 22일 논평을 통해 "입법부의 수장인 국회의장 자리를 민주당이 차지한다면, 이를 견제하기 위해 법사위원장 자리는 국민의힘 몫으로 두는 게 옳다"라며 "운영위원장은 원활한 국정 운영을 위해 여당에서 맡아 온 것이 사회적 통념이자 상식이며, 과거 민주당이 주장했던 바이기도 하다"라고 밝혔다.
그는 "관습법 역시 준수해야 할 가치다. 특히나 입법부에서 전통과 관례로 굳어져 있는 사안들은 역사적으로 여야 모두 정치적 입장과는 무관하게 이를 존중해왔다"라며 이같이 전했다.
그러면서 "이를 부정하는 민주당은 결국 22대 국회에서도 입법 독주를 이어가겠다는 의도를 가진 것으로 볼 수밖에 없다"라고 지적했다.
반면, 야당인 민주당은 지난 4·10 총선을 통해 민심이 자신들에게 있음이 확인된 만큼, 정권 견제를 위해 자신들이 법사·운영위원장 자리를 모두 가져가야 한다고 주장하고 있다.
누구 말이 맞는 것일까.
국회 상임위원회인 법사위는 다른 상임위를 거친 모든 법안의 체계·자구 심사 등을 담당한다. 막강한 권한을 가지고, 법안이 본회의로 가는 관문 역할을 해 법사위는 '상원'에, 법사위원장은 '상원의장'에 비유되기도 한다.
김대중 정부 이후 법사위원장은 야당이 가져가는 것이 관례처럼 굳어져 왔다. 야당이 여당과 정부를 견제할 수 있도록 하기 위해서다. 문제는 야당이 제1당인 경우다. 통상 제1당이 국회의장직을 가져가는데, 이렇게 되면 단일 정당이 국회의장과 법사위원장 자리를 독차지하게 돼 입법 독주가 가능해지기 때문이다. 20대 국회 전반기 때도 민주당이 야당이자 제1당이었다. 당시에는 민주당이 국회의장직을, 여당이자 제2당인 새누리당(현 국민의힘)이 법사위원장직을 가져갔다.
하지만 21대 전반기 국회 당시 이 같은 균형이 완전히 깨졌다. 여당이자 제1당이던 민주당이 국회의장과 법사위원장뿐 아니라 전체 상임위원장 자리를 독식한 것이다.
운영위는 국회 운영과 대통령실 등에 관한 사항을 담당하는 상임위다. 특히, 대통령 비서실장과 수석비서관들에게 출석을 요구할 수 있는 권한을 가지고 있다. 이에 국정 안정을 위해 역대 국회에서는 예외 없이 여당 원내대표가 운영위원장을 맡아 왔다.
현재 민주당은 이미 22대 국회에서 국회의장직을 확보한 상태다. 최근 우원식 의원을 국회의장 후보로 선출했다. 이를 고려했을 때, 관례만 놓고 보자면 법사·운영위원장직은 여당인 국민의힘이 가져가는 게 맞는다는 결론이 나온다.
#여야 #국민의힘 #더불어민주당 #국회 #법제사법위원장 #운영위원장
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. 구글 번역은 이해도를 높이기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. Google Translate is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
The ruling and opposition parties are trying to take over from each other. Who should take charge of the Legislative Affairs and Steering Committee of the National Assembly?
The Democratic Party has already secured the position of Speaker of the National Assembly. As is customary, it is right for the ruling party, the People Power Party, to take it.
Break News Reporter Lim Guk-jeong = The ruling and opposition parties are fighting over the positions of Chairman of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee and the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the 22nd National Assembly, each claiming that it is theirs.
Jeong Gwang-jae, spokesman for the ruling People Power Party, said in a comment on the 22nd, "If the Democratic Party takes the position of Speaker of the National Assembly, the head of the legislative branch, it is right to leave the position of Chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee to the People Power Party in order to keep it in check." “It is social convention and common sense that the ruling party has taken charge of the smooth operation of state affairs, and this is also what the Democratic Party has argued for in the past,” he said.
He said, "Customary law is also a value that must be observed. In particular, issues that have become established as traditions and customs in the legislature have historically been respected by both the ruling and opposition parties regardless of their political stance."
He pointed out, "The Democratic Party, which denies this, can only be seen as ultimately intending to continue its legislative dominance in the 22nd National Assembly."
On the other hand, the opposition Democratic Party is claiming that since the April 10 general election confirmed that public sentiment is in their favor, they should take over all legislative and steering committee positions in order to keep the government in check.
Who is right?
The Legislative and Judiciary Committee, a standing committee of the National Assembly, is responsible for reviewing the structure and text of all bills that have passed through other standing committees. With its powerful authority, it serves as a gateway to the plenary session, and the Judiciary Committee is often compared to the 'Senate' and the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to the 'Senate Chairman.'
Since the Kim Dae-jung administration, it has become customary for the opposition party to take over the chairmanship of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee. This is to enable the opposition party to keep the ruling party and government in check. The problem is when the opposition party is the largest party. Normally, the largest party takes the position of Speaker of the National Assembly, but in this case, a single party will monopolize the positions of Speaker of the National Assembly and Chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee, making it possible to dominate legislation. Even in the first half of the 20th National Assembly, the Democratic Party was the opposition party and the largest party. At that time, the Democratic Party took the position of Speaker of the National Assembly, and the Saenuri Party (currently the People's Power Party), the ruling party and the second largest party, took the position of Chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee.
However, during the first half of the 21st National Assembly, this balance was completely broken. The Democratic Party, which was the ruling party and the largest party, monopolized not only the positions of Speaker of the National Assembly and Chairman of the Legislative and Judiciary Committee, but also all standing committee chairs.
The Steering Committee is a standing committee in charge of matters related to the operation of the National Assembly and the Office of the President. In particular, the Steering Committee has the authority to request the attendance of the President's Chief of Staff and Senior Secretaries. Accordingly, in order to stabilize national affairs, the floor leader of the ruling party has served as the chairman of the steering committee in past National Assembly without exception.
Currently, the Democratic Party has already secured the position of Speaker of the National Assembly in the 22nd National Assembly. Recently, Rep. Woo Won-sik was elected as a candidate for Speaker of the National Assembly. Taking this into consideration, the conclusion is that, looking only at customs, it is right for the ruling party, the People Power Party, to take over the positions of legislative affairs and steering committee chairman.