조국혁신당 차규근 의원이 11일, 법무부에서 제출받은 자료를 분석한 결과에 따르면 지난해 검사가 수용자를 조사하기 위해 직접 교정시설에 방문한 건수는 41건으로, 전년도 보다 11건 늘었다. 반면 수용자가 조사를 받기 위해 검찰청에 출석한 건수는 무려 43,481건에 달해, 1,060배가 넘었다.
반면 수용자가 검찰청에 출석해 조사 받은 건수는 2019년도 6만 9,931건, 2020년 4만 9,035건, 2021년도 3만 4,704건, 2022년도 3만 4,691건 등으로 감소세에 있었으나, 지난해에는 전년대비 8,790건 더 늘었다.
또 최근 3년간 교정 시설 수용자 중에서 검사실에 10회 이상 불려간 수용자는 373명에 달했다. 20회 이상은 43건, 30회 이상 14건, 50회 이상 55건이었고, 100회 이상 불려간 경우도 2건이었다.
2021년 법무검찰개혁위원회와 지난해 국가인권위원회는 이에 대해 “법률적 근거 없이 행정 편의적으로 이뤄지는 검찰의 잘못된 관행”이라며 개선할 것을 권고한 바 있다.
차규근 의원, 검사실 출석 조사 관행 근절하는 형집행법 개정안 1호 법안으로 발의
이에 차규근 의원은 지난 7일 검찰의 출석 조사를 원칙적으로 금지하도록 하는 형집행법을 발의한 바 있다.
차규근 의원은 “검찰이 권고에도 불구하고 법률적 근거 없이 수용자를 검사실로 불러 조사하는 관행을 이어가고 있는 만큼, 이제는 법 개정을 통해 불합리한 관행을 뿌리 뽑아야 한다”라고 입법 취지를 밝혔다. hpf21@naver.com
* 아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Cha Gyu-geun said, “41 cases were investigated by prosecutors by visiting correctional facilities, and 43,000 cases were investigated by calling the prosecutor’s office… 1,060 times more.”
Among inmates in the past three years, 373 were called to the prosecutor's office more than 10 times, some more than 100 times...
According to the results of analysis of data submitted by the Ministry of Justice on the 11th by Rep. Cha Gyu-geun of the Homeland Innovation Party, the number of cases in which prosecutors directly visited correctional facilities to investigate prisoners last year was 41, an increase of 11 cases from the previous year. On the other hand, the number of cases in which prisoners appeared at the prosecutor's office for investigation reached a whopping 43,481 cases, which was 1,060 times more.
On the other hand, the number of cases in which prisoners appeared at the prosecutor's office and were investigated was on the decline, with 69,931 cases in 2019, 49,035 cases in 2020, 34,704 cases in 2021, and 34,691 cases in 2022, but last year, there were 8,790 cases compared to the previous year. It increased further.
In addition, among correctional facility inmates over the past three years, the number of inmates who were called to the examination room more than 10 times amounted to 373. There were 43 cases of being called more than 20 times, 14 cases being called more than 30 times, 55 cases being called more than 50 times, and there were two cases of being called more than 100 times.
The 2021 Justice and Prosecution Reform Committee and the National Human Rights Commission last year recommended improvement, saying, “It is an incorrect practice of the prosecution that is carried out for administrative convenience without any legal basis.”
Rep. Cha Gyu-geun proposes the first amendment to the Execution Act to eradicate the practice of attendance at prosecutors' offices and investigations.
Accordingly, on the 7th, Rep. Cha Gyu-geun proposed the Execution of Sentences Act, which would in principle prohibit attendance and investigation by prosecutors.
Rep. Cha Gyu-geun stated the purpose of the legislation, saying, “As the prosecution continues the practice of calling prisoners into the prosecutor’s office for investigation without any legal basis despite recommendations, it is time to eradicate this unreasonable practice by revising the law.” hpf21@naver.com