
국민연금 주식지분율 10% 이상 31개 종목..‘LS’ 13.77% 가장 높아

정민우 기자 | 기사입력 2024/10/18 [15:34]


브레이크뉴스 정민우 기자= 올해 3월 기준 국민연금이 보유한 주식지분율이 10% 이상인 종목은 31개 기업으로 집계됐다.


국민연금공단이 더불어민주당 남인순 의원에게 제출한 ‘주식지분율 10% 이상 종목 및 지분율 추이’자료에 따르면, 올해 3월 기준(공단 내부규정상 6개월 전 분기별 공개) 국민연금이 보유한 주식지분율은 ㈜LS가 13.77%로 가장 높았다. 


다음으로 ㈜SBS 13.25%, ㈜이수페타시스 12.74%, CJ㈜ 12.35%, 엘아이지넥스원㈜ 12.15%, 키움증권㈜ 12.15% 등으로 12%를 넘었다.


국민연금 주식지분율 11% 이상인 기업은 엘에이일렉트릭 11.95%, ㈜코스메카코리아 11.91%, 코스맥스㈜ 11.88%, 한올바이오파마㈜ 11.71%, ㈜풍산 11.41%, 한국단자공업㈜ 11.41%, DL 11.23%, CJ제일제당㈜ 11.13%, ㈜한솔케미칼 11.03% 등이었다.


국민연금 주식지분율 10% 이상인 기업은 효성중공업 10.95%, 세아제강지주 10.93%, 한전KPS㈜ 10.80%, 한세실업㈜ 10.72%, 한국콜마㈜ 10.68%, 삼양식품㈜ 10.67%, ㈜신세계 10.56%, 한미약품㈜ 10.54%, 삼성증권㈜ 10.49%, ㈜ 제일기획 10.44%, 대상㈜ 10.44%, 삼성전기㈜ 10.42%, 덴티움 10.32%, 씨에스윈드㈜ 10.21%, ㈜ 영원무역 10.09%, 현대해상화재보험㈜ 10.02% 등이었다.


남 의원은 “국민연금기금의 주식투자 운용규모는 2020년 369조4474억원에서 올해 6월 현재 549조5611억원으로 증가했지만, 전체 주식투자 대비 국내주식투자 비중이 2020년 47.8%에서 올해 6월 28.9%로 감소하는 등 국내주식투자 비중을 축소하고 해외주식투자 비중을 높여왔다”며 “국민연금은 가장 핵심적인 공적 노후소득보장제도로 기금운용 수익률을 높이기 위해 해외투자를 확대하고 있지만, 국내 주식시장 저평가 해소에 국민연금기금이 일정한 역할을 해야 한다는 목소리도 높다”고 전했다.





*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


31 stocks with National Pension Service stock holding ratio of 10% or more.. ‘LS’ highest at 13.77%


As of March this year, there were 31 companies in which the National Pension Service held a stock stake of 10% or more.


According to the ‘Stocks with a Stock Stake of 10% or More and Stock Stake Trends’ data submitted by the National Pension Service to Rep. Nam In-soon of the Democratic Party of Korea, as of March this year (quarterly disclosure 6 months prior according to the Service’s internal regulations), the National Pension Service held the highest stock stake in LS Corporation at 13.77%.


Next were SBS Corporation at 13.25%, Isu Petasys Corporation at 12.74%, CJ Corporation at 12.35%, LIG ​​NexOne Corporation at 12.15%, and Kiwoom Securities Corporation at 12.15%, which all exceeded 12%.


Companies with a National Pension Service stock ownership ratio of 11% or more include LA Electric (11.95%), Cosmecca Korea (11.91%), Cosmax (11.88%), HanAll Biopharma (11.71%), Poongsan (11.41%), Korea Terminal Industry (11.41%), DL (11.23%), CJ CheilJedang (11.13%), and Hansol Chemical (11.03%). Companies with a National Pension Service stock ownership ratio of 10% or more include Hyosung Heavy Industries 10.95%, SeAH Steel Holdings 10.93%, KEPCO KPS Co., Ltd. 10.80%, Hansae Industrial Co., Ltd. 10.72%, Korea Kolmar Co., Ltd. 10.68%, Samyang Foods Co., Ltd. 10.67%, Shinsegae Co., Ltd. 10.56%, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 10.54%, Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. 10.49%, Jeil Planning Co., Ltd. 10.44%, Daesang Co., Ltd. 10.44%, Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. 10.42%, Dentium 10.32%, CS Wind Co., Ltd. 10.21%, Youngone Trading Co., Ltd. 10.09%, and Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. 10.02%. Rep. Nam said, “The National Pension Fund’s stock investment management scale increased from KRW 369.4474 trillion in 2020 to KRW 549.5611 trillion as of June this year, but the proportion of domestic stock investment compared to total stock investment decreased from 47.8% in 2020 to 28.9% as of June this year, reducing the proportion of domestic stock investment and increasing the proportion of overseas stock investment.” He added, “The National Pension Service is the most core public retirement income security system and is expanding overseas investment to increase the fund management rate of return, but there are also growing voices that the National Pension Fund should play a certain role in resolving the undervaluation of the domestic stock market.


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