
경희대 글로벌미래교육원, “탐정학술전문화 과정” 2기 11월 23일 개강

탐정 활동의 정석과 응용실무·성공창업전략 8주 완성, 총장 수료증과 수강기간 중 소정의 검정거쳐 ‘탐정 관련 등록자격’ 2개 수여

김종식 한국민간조사학술연구소소장 | 기사입력 2024/10/18 [11:10]

한국민간조사학술연구소 로고     ©브레이크뉴스

오늘날의 시민들은 모두가 탐정이라 할 만큼 상당한 수준의 문제의식(의협심)과 정보감각(자료수집 능력)을 지니고 있어 ‘전업탐정(專業探偵)’이라 할지라도 논리와 실무 역량이 웬만큼 뛰어나지 않고서는 시민 누구로부터도 사랑받기 어렵다. 즉, ‘탐정의 이론적·실무적 전문성’이 시민을 감동시킬 만한 수준에 이르지 않고서는 탐정업의 활성화를 기대하기 어렵다는 얘기다.


이에 경희대학교 글로벌미래교육원과 한국민간조사학술연구소(kpisl, 소장 김종식)는 신직업으로서의 탐정업이 성공적으로 안착하는데 일익 기여하고자 탐정의 정체성 및 탐정활동의 목적·수단·방법·한계 등 제반 이론 교육을 통해 탐정의 본질과 역할을 명료히 함은 물론, 탐정(업) 성패의 요체가 될 탐정활동의 정석과 응용실무, 상담과 홍보 등 발전 전략을 보다 심도있게 개발·전수(傳授)할 ‘탐정 학술 전문화 과정’ 2기 강좌를 2024년 11월 23일 경희대학교(서울캠퍼스) 글로벌미래교육원에서 시작한다. 


이번에 개강되는 강좌는 2024년 11월 23일(토)부터 2025년 01월 11일(토)까지 8주간 매주 로요일 6시간(09:30~16:30) 경희대학교 서울캠퍼스(강의실 추후 공지)에서 진행된다. 수강접수는 9월 23일(월)부터 11월 15일(금)까지 경희대학교 글로벌미래교육원 홈페이지를 통해 받는다.


수강 대상은 전·현직 경찰공무원, 현역군인, 법무사 및 법률사무소사무장, 행정사, 공인중개사, 신용정보회사직원, 보험회사직원, 경비지도사·경호경비회사직원, 전·현직 공안직공무원, 정보기관근무경력자, 공직·기업체 퇴직자, 경찰학과·경호학과·탐정학과 학생 등 탐정활동 관심자 및 탐정업 창업·겸업·부업 희망자, 역량 강화를 원하는 현업탐정, 탐정교육 및 관리자·연구자·탐정물창작자, 취재기자 등 탐정(업)에 긍적적인 마인드를 가진 분들이면 누구나 수강 대상이 된다(학·경력, 직업, 성별, 나이 제한 없음).


특히 여러 강좌에서 탐정(민간조사업) 관련 강의를 들었지만 별 도움이 되지 않았거나 홀로서기에 자신감이 없는 분, ‘어쩌다 한 건(件) 의뢰를 받아도 어떻게 해야 성과를 거둘지 막막해 잠을 못 이루고 있는 새내기 탐정’ 대환영이다. 수강 모집인원은 선착순 30명이며, 수강료는 교재비(교과목별 특수유인물 및 기본서)와 한국직업능력연구원(주무부처 경찰청)에 등록된 ‘탐정 관련 등록자격’ 2개(탐정학술지도사, 실종자소재분석사) 취득비 등 일체를 포함하여 150만원이다.


강의는 탐정의 통찰력 함양과 업무의 효율 극대화에 초점을 맞춘 커리큘럼을 중심으로 진행된다. 특히 탐정업 성패의 관건이 될 ‘탐정실무교육(탐정업 big 5 업무의 정석과 응용 등)’, ‘관련법 해설과 판례’, ‘고객에게 감동을 주는 상담요령’, ‘창업·제휴·홍보전략’ 등은 전문인에 의한 체계적인 교육이 절실함을 감안하여 정보·조사 실무 및 탐정 관련 학술 연구에 40여년 종사해온 한국민간조사학술연구소(kpisl) 김종식 소장이 책임 직강하게 되며, 외래강사는 꼭 필요한 부분에 한해 최소한으로 초빙된다(*보여주기식, 시간때우기식, 모자이크식 강의 지양). 


이 교육과정 수료자에게는 경희대학교 총장 명의의 ‘탐정 학술 전문화 과정’ 수료증이 수여되며, 수강등록자는 수강기간 중 소정의 검정절차를 거쳐 한국민간조사학술연구소가 자격기본법 제17조에 따라 한국직업능력연구원에 등록한 탐정(업) 관련 자격인 ‘탐정학술지도사(2019-003311, 주무부 경찰청)’ 및 ‘실종자소재분석사(2019-003308, 주무부 경찰청)’ 자격을 취득하게 된다.  


또한 수료자 중 성적우수자 및 탐정 학술에 대한 지속적인 연구 희망자는 한국민간조사학술연구소 연구위원 또는 전문위원으로 위촉되며, 수료자 모두 원우희 회원이 되어 향후 탐정실무 및 탐정사무소 운영과 관련한 정보교환 등 상호 교류와 연대의 기회를 가지게 된다. 기타 강좌(수강등록) 관련 정보는 경희대학교 글로벌미래교육원 홈페이지를 방문하거나 한국민간조사학술연구소에 문의하면 상세한 안내를 받을 수 있다.


한편 한국형 탐정업은 ‘개별법과 타인의 권익을 침해하지 않는 탐정업무는 불가능하지 않다’는 헌법재판소의 판시(2018.6.28.)와 ‘신용정보의 이용 및 보호에 관한 법률’ 개정으로 동법 제15조에서 정한 ‘신용정보회사 등’이 아닌 일반인은 누구나 ‘탐정호칭사용’이 가능해짐으로써(2020.8.5) ‘비범죄화(합법화)’되었다. 이는 개별법에 저촉되지 않는 ‘탐정활동’이나 ‘시민들의 탐정업 이용’에 전혀 문제될 것이 없음을 의미한다.


▲필자/김종식 한국민간조사학술연구소소장   ©브레이크뉴스

이에 따라 한국직업능력연구원(주무부 경찰청)에 등록된 ‘탐정 관련 민간자격(일명 탐정자격증)’을 매체로 한 탐정업 종사원 수만도 현재 전업·겸업 포함 8000여명(kpisl 추산)에 이르고 있는 가운데 탐정(업)에 대한 시민들의 관심은 날로 점증하고 있다. 이렇듯 ‘탐정업의 직업화’는 이미 누구도 막거나 거스를 수 없는 큰 흐름으로 이어지고 있다(현재 자유업). 더 바랄건 탐정업을 규율할 (가칭)탐정법 제정 등 ‘법제화’라 하겠으나 이는 필수가 아닌 중·장기적 선택의 문제라 하겠다.  kjs00112@hanmail.net



한국민간조사학술연구소소장,한국범죄정보학회민간조사학술위원장,前경찰청치안정책평가위원,前국가기록원민간기록조사위원,한북신문논설위원,행정사·공인중개사자격취득,치안정보업무20년(1999’경감),경찰학개론강의10년/저서:탐정실무총람,탐정학술요론,탐정학술편람,민간조사학개론(탐정학),경호학,경찰학개론外/사회분야(치안·국민안전·탐정법·공인탐정明暗)등 600여편 칼럼이 있다.    


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Kyunghee University Global Future Education Institute, “Detective Academic Specialization Course” 2nd Session Opens on November 23

-Kim Jong-sik, Director of the Korea Private Investigation Research Institute


Complete the 8-week course on the basics of detective activities and applied practice/successful startup strategies, receive a certificate from the president and 2 ‘Detective-related registration qualifications’ after passing the required examination during the course

Korea Private Investigation Research Institute logo

Today’s citizens all have a considerable level of problem awareness (chivalry) and information sense (data collection ability) that can be called detectives, so even if you are a ‘professional detective’, it is difficult to be loved by any citizen unless you have excellent logic and practical skills. In other words, it is difficult to expect the detective industry to become active unless the ‘theoretical and practical expertise of detectives’ reaches a level that can impress citizens.

Accordingly, Kyung Hee University's Global Future Education Institute and the Korea Private Investigation Research Institute (KPISL, Director Kim Jong-sik) will contribute to the successful establishment of detective work as a new profession by providing various theoretical education on the identity of detectives and the purpose, means, methods, and limitations of detective activities to clarify the nature and role of detectives, as well as developing and transferring in more depth the principles of detective activities, applied practices, counseling, and promotion, which will be the key to the success or failure of detective work, the second term of the 'Detective Academic Specialization Course' will begin at the Kyung Hee University (Seoul Campus) Global Future Education Institute on November 23, 2024. The course that is opening this time will be held every Sunday for 6 hours (09:30-16:30) for 8 weeks from Saturday, November 23, 2024 to Saturday, January 11, 2025 at Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus (lecture room to be announced later). Registration will be accepted from Monday, September 23 to Friday, November 15 through the Kyung Hee University Global Future Education Center website. The course is open to anyone who is interested in detective activities, including current and former police officers, active-duty military personnel, legal scriveners and law office managers, administrative scriveners, certified real estate agents, credit information company employees, insurance company employees, security instructors and security guard company employees, current and former public security officers, those with experience working in intelligence agencies, retirees from public service and companies, students in police science, security science, and detective science, and those who wish to start, run, or have a side job in the detective industry, working detectives who want to strengthen their capabilities, detective education and managers, researchers, detective story creators, and reporters, as long as they have a positive mindset toward detective work (no restrictions on education, career, occupation, gender, or age). In particular, those who have taken lectures on detective (private investigation) in various courses but have not been helped much or are not confident in standing on their own, and ‘newbie detectives who cannot sleep because they are at a loss as to how to achieve results even when they receive a case by chance’ are very welcome. The number of students accepted is 30 on a first-come, first-served basis, and the tuition fee is 1.5 million won, including the cost of textbooks (special pamphlets and basic books for each subject) and the cost of acquiring two ‘detective-related registration qualifications’ (detective academic instructor, missing person location analyst) registered with the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (competent ministry: National Police Agency).

The lectures are conducted based on a curriculum that focuses on fostering detective insight and maximizing work efficiency. In particular, considering the urgent need for systematic education by experts in ‘Detective Practical Training (the basics and applications of the Big 5 detective business tasks, etc.)’, ‘Explanation of related laws and precedents’, ‘Consulting tips that impress customers’, and ‘Startup, partnership, and public relations strategies’, which are the key to the success or failure of the detective business, Director Kim Jong-sik of the Korea Institute of Private Investigation Studies (kpisl), who has been engaged in information and investigation practices and detective-related academic research for over 40 years, will be in charge of the lectures, and external lecturers will be invited as little as possible for absolutely necessary parts (*avoiding lectures that are show-off-style, time-wasting-style, and mosaic-style). Those who complete this course will be awarded a certificate of completion for the ‘Detective Academic Specialization Course’ in the name of the President of Kyung Hee University, and those who register for the course will obtain the ‘Detective Academic Instructor (2019-003311, Ministry of National Police Agency)’ and ‘Missing Person Location Analyst (2019-003308, Ministry of National Police Agency)’ qualifications, which are related to detective (industry) registered with the Korea Research Institute of Private Investigation Studies in accordance with Article 17 of the Framework Act on Qualifications, by going through the prescribed examination procedure during the course period.

In addition, among the graduates, those with excellent grades and those who wish to continue research on detective studies will be appointed as research members or expert members of the Korea Research Institute of Private Investigation Studies, and all graduates will become members of Wonwoohee, which will provide opportunities for mutual exchange and solidarity, such as information exchange related to detective practice and detective agency operation in the future. For information on other courses (registration), visit the Kyung Hee University Global Future Education Institute website or contact the Korea Private Investigation Research Institute for detailed guidance.

Meanwhile, the Korean-style detective industry was ‘decriminalized (legalized)’ by the Constitutional Court’s ruling (June 28, 2018) that ‘detective work that does not infringe on individual laws and the rights of others is not impossible’ and the revision of the ‘Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information’, which allows anyone other than ‘credit information companies, etc.’ as defined in Article 15 of the same Act to ‘use the title of detective’ (August 5, 2020). This means that there is no problem at all with ‘detective activities’ that do not violate individual laws or ‘citizens’ use of the detective industry’.

Accordingly, the number of detectives working in the field using ‘private detective qualifications (aka detective licenses)’ registered with the Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KPISL estimate) as a medium is currently around 8,000 including full-time and part-time workers, and the public’s interest in detectives (industry) is increasing day by day. As such, the ‘professionalization of detectives’ is already becoming a major trend that no one can stop or reverse (currently a freelancer). What is more desired is ‘legalization’ such as the enactment of the (tentatively named) Detective Act to regulate detectives, but this is not a necessity but rather a matter of mid- to long-term choice. *Author/Kim Jong-sik

Director of the Korean Institute of Private Investigation Studies, Chairman of the Private Investigation Academic Committee of the Korean Society of Criminology, former member of the National Police Agency's Security Policy Evaluation Committee, former member of the National Archives of Korea's Private Records Investigation Committee, editorial writer for the Hanbuk Shinmun, obtained qualifications as an administrative scrivener and certified real estate agent, 20 years of security intelligence work (1999' Superintendent), 10 years of lectures on introduction to police science/Authored books: Detective Practice Overview, Detective Academic Theory, Detective Academic Handbook, Introduction to Private Investigation (Detective Studies), Security Studies, Introduction to Police Science, etc./There are over 600 columns in social fields (security, national safety, detective law, public detectives' light and dark).

기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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