
대기업 오너일가 주식담보대출, 삼성 ‘줄고’ SK·LG·롯데 ‘늘고’

정민우 기자 | 기사입력 2024/06/11 [10:28]


브레이크뉴스 정민우 기자= 국내 대기업집단 오너 일가의 주식 담보 대출 금액이 작년보다 1조원 가까이 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 


삼성일가 세 모녀의 보유지분 매각으로 대출금을 상환한 영향이 컸기 때문이다. 반면, SK, LG, 롯데의 주식담보대출은 늘어났다.


11일 리더스인덱스에 따르면 지난 7일 기준 88개 대기업집단 중 총수가 있는 78개 그룹 오너 일가의 주식 담보 현황을 조사한 결과, 30개 그룹오너일가 중 1명 이상이 보유 주식을 담보로 대출 중이었다.


이들 그룹의 오너일가 215명이 계열사 주식을 보유하고 있었으며, 103명이 담보대출 중이었다. 이들은 계열사 주식의 30.6%를 담보로 제공하고 6조7741억 원을 대출 받고 있는 것으로 조사됐다.


주식담보 대출중인 오너일가는 지난 해 8월 기준 136명에서 올해 103명으로 33명이 감소했고, 주식담보 비중도 37.1%에서 6.5%p 줄었다. 이에 따라 담보대출 금액은 7조6558억원에서 11.5% 감소했다.


오너일가가 주식을 담보로 제공하는 이유는 경영자금 또는 승계자금 마련, 상속세 등 세금 납부를 위한 목적 등이다. 대주주 일가의 재산권만 담보로 설정하고, 의결권은 안정되기 때문에 경영권 행사에 지장 없이 자금을 조달할 수 있다는 장점이 있다.


단, 주가가 담보권 설정 이하로 떨어질 경우, 금융권의 마진콜의 의한 반대매매로 주가가 하락해 소액 주주가 피해를 입거나 심할 경우 경영권도 위협받을 수 있다.


대출금액이 가장 많은 곳은 삼성이었다. 이재용 회장을 제외한 홍라희 삼성미술관리움 전 관장, 이부진 호텔신라 사장, 이서현 삼성물산 사장 등 세 모녀가 주식 담보 대출을 받고 있다.


단, 삼성일가 세 모녀의 주식담보 비중은 지난 해 40.4%에서 올해 30.7%로 9.8%p 감소하면서 담보대출 금액은 4조781억 원에서 2조9328억 원으로 28.1% 줄어들었다.


홍라희 전 관장은 보유하고 있는 삼성전자 주식 1억1730만주(1.96% 지분) 중 18%인 2101만주를 담보로 2조2500억원을 대출 중이었으나, 보유지분 중 일부를 매각하면서 올해 담보대출은 4700억 원 감소한 1조 7800억 원으로 나타났다.


이부진 호텔신라 사장도 삼성전자 보유주식 담보로 8370억 원, 삼성물산 주식을 담보로 3300억원을 대출받아 1조1670억 원이었으나, 지난 해부터 보유주식 중 삼성전자·삼성물산·삼성생명 지분을 매각하면서 절반 이상인 5870억 원을 상환, 현재 대출 금액은 5800억원이다.


이서현 삼성물산 사장은 삼성전자 보유 주식 17.2%를 담보로 3371억원, 삼성물산의 보유지분의 38%를 담보로 3240억원 등 총 6611억원을 대출 중이었지만, 삼성전자 지분 일부를 매각하면서 883억원을 상환, 현재 5728억 원의 담보대출이 있는 것으로 확인됐다.


삼성 다음으로 금액이 많은 그룹은 롯데그룹 오너일가로, 지난 해 2229억 원에서 3배 이상 증가한 6933억 원으로 집계됐다.


신동빈 롯데그룹 회장은 지난 해 롯데지주 보유지분의 74.7% 담보로 2229억원을 대출 중이었으나, 올해 롯데쇼핑 지분의 49.7%를 담보로 2269억원을 추가 대출하면서 4538억 원이 됐다.


신영자 롯데재단 의장은 지난해 담보대출이 없었으나, 올해 롯데지주, 롯데쇼핑, 롯데칠성음료 등 3곳의 보유지분을 담보로 2395억 원의 주식담보 대출을 받은 것으로 나타났다.


SK그룹 오너일가 11명은 보유지분의 55.8%를 담보로 총 6183억5800만원의 대출을 받았고, 올해에는 6228억5900만 원으로 소폭 증가해 3번째로 주식담보대출 금액이 많았다.


최태원 SK그룹 회장은 지난 해 ㈜SK 보유지분의 33.8%를 담보로 4315억 원을 담보대출 중이었으며, 올해는 580억 원을 추가 대출 받아 4895억 원으로 늘어났다.


최기원 SK행복나눔재단 이사장도 지난 해 담보대출액 155억 원에서 올해 195억 원으로 20.5% 증가했다. 반면, 최신원 전 SK네트웍스 회장과 최성환 SK네트웍스 사장 부자의 주식담보대출은 각각 20억 원, 595억 원이 감소했다.


HD현대 오너일가들의 주식담보 대출 금액은 4175억원으로 4번째로 많았다. 지난해 3715억 원 보다 460억 원 증가하면서 주식담보 비중도 45.1%에서 52.4%로 7.3%p 상승했다.


정몽준 아산재단 이사장의 HD현대 보유지분 담보 대출은 지난 해 3215억 원에서 500억 원 증가한 3715억 원이었다. 반면, 정기선 HD현대 부회장의 담보대출액은 500억 원에서 460억 원으로 감소했다.


LG그룹의 오너일가 5명의 주식담보 대출금액은 지난 해 2747억원에서 856억5000만 원이 증가한 3603억5000만 원이었다. 


구광모 LG그룹 회장이 상속세 납부를 위해 지난 해 1770억원에서 1225억원이 증가한 2995억 원이 되면서 지주회사인 LG의 주식 담보비중이 12.8%에서 23.3%로 증가했다. 


상속분쟁 소송 중인 김영식 여사와 구연경 LG복지재단 대표는 주식담보 대출이 없는 것으로 파악됐다.




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Joo Dam-dae, owner family of large corporations, Samsung ‘decrease’, SK, LG, Lotte ‘increase’


Break News Reporter Jeong Min-woo= It was found that the stock-secured loan amount of the owner family of a large domestic conglomerate decreased by nearly 1 trillion won compared to last year.


This is because the sale of shares held by the three Samsung family members had a significant impact on repaying the loan. On the other hand, stock-secured loans by SK, LG, and Lotte increased.


According to Leaders Index on the 11th, as of the 7th, out of 88 large conglomerates, 78 group owner families with heads were surveyed on the stock collateral status, and as a result, more than one member of the 30 group owner families was lending using stocks held as collateral.


215 members of the owner family of these groups held stocks of affiliates, and 103 members had mortgage loans. It was found that they were providing 30.6% of their affiliates' stocks as collateral and receiving loans worth 6.7741 trillion won.


The number of owner families receiving stock-secured loans decreased by 33 people from 136 as of August last year to 103 this year, and the proportion of stock-secured loans also decreased by 6.5 percentage points from 37.1%. Accordingly, the amount of secured loans decreased by 11.5% from 7.6558 trillion won.


The reasons why the owner family provides stocks as collateral are to raise management funds or succession funds, and to pay taxes such as inheritance tax. Since only the property rights of the majority shareholder family are set as collateral and voting rights are stable, it has the advantage of being able to raise funds without interfering with the exercise of management rights.


However, if the stock price falls below the security right, minority shareholders may be harmed by the stock price falling due to counter trading due to margin calls from the financial sector, or in severe cases, management rights may be threatened.


Samsung had the largest loan amount. Excluding Chairman Lee Jae-yong, three mothers and daughters, including Hong Ra-hee, former director of the Samsung Museum of Art, Hotel Shilla President Lee Boo-jin, and Samsung C&T President Lee Seo-hyun, are receiving stock-secured loans.


However, the proportion of stock collateral for the three Samsung family members decreased by 9.8 percentage points from 40.4% last year to 30.7% this year, and the amount of collateral loans decreased by 28.1% from 4.781 trillion won to 2.9328 trillion won.


Former director Hong Ra-hee was borrowing 2.25 trillion won using 21.01 million shares, or 18%, of the 117.3 million shares of Samsung Electronics stock he owned (1.96% stake) as collateral, but as he sold some of his shares, this year's secured loan amounted to 470 billion won. It decreased by KRW to 1.78 trillion won.


Hotel Shilla CEO Lee Boo-jin also borrowed KRW 837 billion using Samsung Electronics stocks as collateral and KRW 330 billion using Samsung C&T stocks as collateral, which amounted to KRW 1.167 trillion. However, since last year, he has sold his shares in Samsung Electronics, Samsung C&T, and Samsung Life Insurance among his stocks. Meanwhile, more than half, or 587 billion won, was repaid, and the current loan amount is 580 billion won.


Samsung C&T President Lee Seo-hyun had loans totaling KRW 661.1 billion, including KRW 337.1 billion secured by 17.2% of Samsung Electronics shares and KRW 324 billion secured by 38% of Samsung C&T's shares, but he repaid KRW 88.3 billion by selling his shares in Samsung Electronics. It was confirmed that there was a secured loan of 572.8 billion won.


The group with the largest amount after Samsung is the Lotte Group owner family, with 693.3 billion won, more than three times more than last year's 222.9 billion won.


Lotte Group Chairman Shin Dong-bin was lending 222.9 billion won last year using 74.7% of Lotte Holdings' shares as collateral, but this year he loaned an additional 226.9 billion won using 49.7% of Lotte Shopping's shares as collateral, bringing the total to 453.8 billion won.


Lotte Foundation Chairman Shin Young-ja had no secured loans last year, but this year, it was revealed that he received stock-backed loans worth 239.5 billion won using shares held in three companies, including Lotte Holdings, Lotte Shopping, and Lotte Chilsung Beverage, as collateral.


The 11 members of the SK Group ownership family received a total of 618.358 billion won in loans using 55.8% of their shares as collateral, and this year, the amount of stock-backed loans increased slightly by 622.859 billion won, making it the third largest amount of stock-backed loans.


SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won borrowed 431.5 billion won last year using 33.8% of SK Co., Ltd.'s shares as collateral, and this year he received an additional loan of 58 billion won, increasing the loan to 489.5 billion won.


Choi Ki-won, chairman of the SK Happiness Sharing Foundation, also said that the amount of secured loans increased by 20.5% from 15.5 billion won last year to 19.5 billion won this year. On the other hand, the stock-backed loans of former SK Networks Chairman Choi Shin-won and SK Networks President Choi Seong-hwan and their father and son decreased by 2 billion won and 59.5 billion won, respectively.


The stock-secured loan amount of HD Hyundai's owner family was 417.5 billion won, the fourth largest. With an increase of KRW 46 billion from KRW 371.5 billion last year, the proportion of stock collateral also increased by 7.3 percentage points from 45.1% to 52.4%.


Asan Foundation Chairman Chung Mong-joon's loan secured by shares held in HD Hyundai amounted to 371.5 billion won, an increase of 50 billion won from 321.5 billion won last year. On the other hand, HD Hyundai Vice Chairman Jeong Ki-seon's collateral loan amount decreased from 50 billion won to 46 billion won.


The stock-secured loan amount of LG Group's five owner families amounted to 360.35 billion won, an increase of 85.65 billion won from 274.7 billion won last year.


As LG Group Chairman Koo Kwang-mo increased 122.5 billion won from 177 billion won last year to 299.5 billion won to pay inheritance tax, the proportion of stock collateral in LG, a holding company, increased from 12.8% to 23.3%.


It was discovered that Ms. Kim Young-sik and LG Welfare Foundation CEO Koo Yeon-kyung, who are currently involved in an inheritance dispute lawsuit, do not have stock-secured loans.


기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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