브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 중소기업들이 제22대 국회가 최우선적으로 추진해야하는 중소기업 입법과제로 ‘근로시간제도 개선’을 꼽았다.
중소기업중앙회는 13일 중기중앙회 KBIZ홀에서 ‘제22대 국회에 바란다’는 주제로 ‘중소기업 입법과제 대토론회’를 개최했다고 밝혔다.
이날 토론회는 올해로 36회를 맞이한 중소기업주간의 시작을 알리는 첫 행사로, 제22대 국회에서 꼭 처리돼야 할 중소기업 핵심 입법과제를 논의하기 위해 마련됐다
주제 발표자로 나선 추문갑 중기중앙회 경제정책본부장은 “한국경제의 근간인 771만 중소기업은 현재 고금리, 저성장, 내수침체 장기화 등 대내외적으로 어려움에 처해있다”며 “이러한 어려움을 해결하기 위해 노동개혁, 혁신성장, 상생금융, 플랫폼 공정화, 공정상생 분야의 다양한 입법과제들이 있는데, 그 중 노동개혁이 가장 중요하다”고 말했다.
실제, 지난 4월 29일부터 5월 7일까지 중소기업 660개사를 대상으로 실시한 ‘제22대 국회 중소기업 입법과제에 대한 중소기업·소상공인 의견조사’ 결과, 국회가 최우선적으로 추진해야 하는 중소기업 입법과제 응답 1순위는 ‘주 52시간 적용 유연화 등 근로시간제도 개선’(38.9%)으로 나타났다.
이어 △중대재해처벌법 처벌방식 개선 및 의무 명확화(18.3%) △중소기업과 은행 간 상생 금융 확대(12.9%) △중소기업 글로벌화 지원 강화(12.7%) 순이었다.
아울러 국회의 경제 입법에 대한 기대감이 ‘높다’는 응답은 15.8%인 반면, ‘낮다’는 응답은 40.8%로 2.5배 이상 높게 집계됐다.
국회의 입법 활동 및 예산 결정이 경영에 미치는 영향에 대해 응답기업 3곳 중 1곳(매우 높음 9.8% + 다소 높음 20.6%)이 ‘높다’고 응답했다.
김기문 중기중앙회장은 “근로시간 문제는 납기를 맞춰야 하거나 근로자가 더 일하고 싶어하는 경우에는 노사 자율에 맡기는 것이 합리적이고, 많은 중소기업과 소상공인들을 공포에 떨게 만드는 중대재해처벌법 유예 법안은 22대 국회가 시작되면 가장 먼저 처리돼야 한다”며 “이번 토론회에서 나온 얘기들이 입법화돼서 정치가 경제를 밀어주면서 중소기업의 어려움을 함께 해결해 나가길 기대한다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
‘Improving the working hour system’ is the top priority for small and medium-sized businesses in the 22nd National Assembly.
Break News Reporter Moon Hong-cheol= Small and medium-sized enterprises selected ‘improving the working hour system’ as a legislative task for small and medium-sized businesses that should be promoted as a top priority by the 22nd National Assembly.
The Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses announced on the 13th that it held a ‘Grand Debate on Legislative Tasks for Small and Medium Businesses’ under the theme ‘Hope for the 22nd National Assembly’ at the KBIZ Hall of the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses.
The debate on this day was the first event to announce the start of Small and Medium Business Week, which celebrated its 36th anniversary this year, and was prepared to discuss key legislative tasks for small and medium-sized businesses that must be addressed in the 22nd National Assembly.
Choo Moon-gap, head of the economic policy division of the Korea Federation of SMEs and Startups, who was the speaker on the topic, said, “7.71 million small and medium-sized enterprises, which are the foundation of the Korean economy, are currently facing difficulties both internally and externally, such as high interest rates, low growth, and prolonged domestic recession,” and added, “To solve these difficulties, labor reform and innovation are needed.” “There are various legislative tasks in the areas of growth, win-win finance, platform fairness, and fair win-win growth, of which labor reform is the most important,” he said.
In fact, as a result of the 'Survey of Opinions of Small and Medium Businesses on the 22nd National Assembly's Small and Medium Business Legislative Tasks' conducted on 660 small and medium-sized businesses from April 29 to May 7, responses were given regarding the small and medium-sized business legislative tasks that the National Assembly should pursue as a top priority. The first priority was ‘improvement of the working hour system, including flexibility in applying 52 hours a week’ (38.9%).
This was followed by △ improving the punishment method and clarifying obligations under the Severe Accident Punishment Act (18.3%), △ expanding win-win finance between small and medium-sized businesses and banks (12.9%), and △ strengthening support for the globalization of small and medium-sized businesses (12.7%).
In addition, 15.8% of respondents said their expectations for the National Assembly’s economic legislation were ‘high’, while 40.8% responded that their expectations for the National Assembly’s economic legislation were ‘low’, which was more than 2.5 times higher.
Regarding the impact of the National Assembly's legislative activities and budget decisions on management, one out of three responding companies (very high 9.8% + somewhat high 20.6%) responded that it was ‘high’.
Kim Ki-moon, Chairman of the Korea Federation of SMEs and Startups, said, “It is reasonable to leave the issue of working hours to the autonomy of labor and management in cases where deadlines must be met or workers want to work more, and the bill to suspend the Punishment Act on Serious Accidents, which causes fear in many small and medium-sized enterprises and small business owners, will be passed when the 22nd National Assembly begins. “It must be dealt with first,” he said. “I hope that the issues raised in this debate will be legislated and that politics will support the economy and solve the difficulties of small and medium-sized businesses together.”