
오너일가 4세, 입사 7년 후 임원 승진..평균 46세 회장직 입성

문홍철 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/10 [09:47]


브레이크뉴스 문홍철 기자= 국내 100대 그룹 오너 경영인들의 고위직 승진이 세대가 지날수록 빨라지고 있다. 오너 2세보다 3세, 4세가 임원 이후 승진하는 나이가 젊었으며 승진 기간도 단축됐다. 특히, 오너 4세들의 부회장·회장 승진은 부모세대에 비해 30% 넘게 짧아진 것으로 분석됐다. 


반면, 이들의 등기이사 등재 비율은 낮아지는 추세를 보였다. 


10일 리더스인덱스에 따르면 국내 자산순위 100대 그룹 오너일가 835명 중 현재 경영에 참여하고 있는 290명의 승진 현황을 분석한 결과, 100대 그룹에서 현존하는 1세대 창업자는 총 9명으로, 이중 6명이 경영에 참여하고 있었다. 2세대는 353명 중 130명이, 3세대는 391명 중 132명이 경영에 참여했으며, 4세대는 80명 중에 28명으로 조사됐다.


이들 오너가 경영인은 세대가 내려갈수록 입사에서 임원까지 가는 기간이 길었다. 단, 임원이 된 이후엔 사장, 부회장, 회장으로의 고위직 승진 기간이 이전 세대에 비해 짧았다.


창업 2세들은 평균 28.7세에 입사해 임원까지 4.8년이 걸렸고, 3세들은 평균 29.6세에 입사해 3.8년이 소요됐다. 4세들의 경우 평균 28.8세에 입사해 7년을 보내고 임원으로 승진했다.


임원에서 사장까지 승진하는 기간은 2세대 평균 8.3년에서 3세대 평균 9.9년으로 늘었다가, 4세대는 소폭 줄어든 평균 9.7년으로 집계됐다. 


그에 비해 임원에서 부회장까지 가는 기간은 4세대에서 확연이 짧아진 것이 확인됐다. 2세대는 부회장까지 평균 12.3년, 3세대는 평균 12.9년이 걸렸지만 4세대 들어서는 평균 10.4년으로 2년 이상 크게 줄었다. 


회장 승진 속도는 더 빨랐다. 오너 2세와 3세가 임원에서 회장에 오르기까지 각각 16.5년, 18.7년이 소요됐다면, 4세는 12.7년으로 앞세대보다 승진 기간이 29.4% 단축됐다. 


그 결과, 회장단 평균나이도 50대에서 40대로 낮아졌다. 오너 2·3세가 회장직을 맡은 평균 나이는 50.5세였지만 4세대에선 평균 46세로 나타났다. 


반면, 경영에 참여하고 있는 오너일가의 등기임원 등재 비율은 세대가 갈수록 낮아지고 있었다. 오너 2세의 70%가 등기임원이었으나, 3세는 46.2%로 비중이 크게 하락했고 4세대는 46.4%로 비슷한 수준을 보였다. 


오너 경영인 중 대표적 미등기 임원은 이재용 삼성전자 회장과 여동생 이서현 삼성물산 사장, 신세계 일가인 이명희 신세계그룹 총괄회장 및 아들 정용진 신세계그룹 회장, 딸 정유경 (주)신세계 회장이다. 


한화그룹의 김승연(회장)·김동원(한화생명 사장·차남) 부자도 미등기 임원이며, 이재현 CJ그룹 회장, 구혜원 푸른그룹 회장(LS그룹 공동창업주 구평회씨 딸), 이해욱 DL그룹 회장, 정교선 현대백화점그룹 부회장, 장세환 영풍이앤이 부회장, 박세창 금호건설 부회장, 이우현 OCI 그룹 회장 등도 마찬가지다. 


100대 그룹 사장단 가운데 가장 어린 사람은 1990년대생인 우기원(32) SM하이플러스 대표와, 김윤혜(32) 호반프라퍼티 사장이다. 1991년생인 우기원 대표는 SM그룹 창업주인 우오현 회장의 외아들이다. 호반그룹 창업주인 감상열 전 호반건설 회장의 장녀 김윤혜 사장도 1991년생으로 알려졌다. 


1980년대생 오너 사장단은 비교적 다수다. 김대헌 호반그룹 기획총괄사장(1988년생), 서준석 셀트리온 경영총괄 대표이사 사장(1987년생), 김동원 한화생명 사장(1885년생), 이규호 코오롱 전략부문 대표이사 부회장(1984년생), 김동관 한화그룹 부회장·홍정혁 BGF에코머티리얼즈 대표·김건호 삼양홀딩스 전략총괄 사장(1983년생), 정기선 HD현대 수석부회장·홍정국 BGF 대표이사 부회장(1982년생), 양홍석 대신증권 부회장(1981년생), 장세환 영풍이앤이 부회장(1980년생) 등이다. 


한편, 100대 그룹 사장단 이상 여성 경영인으로는 이서현 삼성물산 사장, 이명희 신세계그룹 회장, 정유경 (주)신세계 회장, 구혜원 푸른그룹 회장, 김주원 DB그룹 부회장, 최은영 유수홀딩스 회장, 임주현 한미약품 부회장, 이어룡 대신증권 회장, 현정은 현대그룹 회장 등이다. 




*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Fourth generation of owner's family, promoted to executive after 7 years of employment.. Entered the chairmanship at an average age of 46


The promotion of the owners and managers of the top 100 conglomerates in Korea to high-ranking positions is getting faster as the generations pass. The age at which the 3rd and 4th generations of owners are promoted after becoming executives is younger than that of the 2nd generation, and the promotion period is also shorter. In particular, the promotion of the 4th generation of owners to vice president and chairman is analyzed to be over 30% shorter than that of their parents.


On the other hand, the registration rate of these people as registered directors is showing a decreasing trend.


According to the Leaders Index on the 10th, the results of an analysis of the promotion status of 290 out of 835 owners and families of the top 100 conglomerates in Korea who are currently participating in management showed that there are a total of 9 first-generation founders in the top 100 conglomerates, and 6 of them are participating in management. The 2nd generation had 130 out of 353 people participating in management, the 3rd generation had 132 out of 391 people participating in management, and the 4th generation had 28 out of 80 people participating in management.


These owners and managers took longer to go from joining the company to becoming an executive as the generations went down. However, after becoming an executive, the period of promotion to high-ranking positions such as president, vice president, and chairman was shorter than the previous generation.


The second generation of entrepreneurs joined the company at an average age of 28.7 and took 4.8 years to become an executive, while the third generation joined the company at an average age of 29.6 and took 3.8 years. The fourth generation joined the company at an average age of 28.8 and spent 7 years there before being promoted to executive.


The period of promotion from executive to president increased from an average of 8.3 years for the second generation to an average of 9.9 years for the third generation, but decreased slightly for the fourth generation to an average of 9.7 years.


In contrast, the period of promotion from executive to vice president was confirmed to be significantly shorter for the fourth generation. The second generation took an average of 12.3 years to become vice president, and the third generation took an average of 12.9 years to become president, but the fourth generation saw a significant decrease of more than 2 years to an average of 10.4 years.


The speed of promotion to president was even faster. While it took 16.5 years and 18.7 years for the second and third generations of owners to become president from executives, the fourth generation took 12.7 years, a 29.4% reduction in the promotion period compared to the previous generation.


As a result, the average age of the chairman also decreased from the 50s to the 40s. The average age of the second and third generations of owners to become president was 50.5 years, but the average age of the fourth generation was 46 years.


On the other hand, the percentage of registered executives of the owner family participating in management was decreasing with each generation. 70% of the second generation of owners were registered executives, but the third generation’s proportion dropped significantly to 46.2%, and the fourth generation showed a similar level at 46.4%.


Representative unregistered executives among owner managers include Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong, his younger sister Lee Seo-hyun, president of Samsung C&T, Shinsegae family members Lee Myung-hee, chairman of Shinsegae Group, son Chung Yong-jin, chairman of Shinsegae Group, and daughter Chung Yoo-kyung, chairman of Shinsegae Co., Ltd.


Hanwha Group’s Kim Seung-yeon (chairman) and Kim Dong-won (president of Hanwha Life Insurance, second son) are also unregistered executives, as are CJ Group Chairman Lee Jae-hyun, Purun Group Chairman Koo Hye-won (daughter of LS Group co-founder Koo Pyeong-hoe), DL Group Chairman Lee Hae-wook, Hyundai Department Store Group Vice Chairman Jeong Gyo-sun, Youngpoong E&E Vice Chairman Jang Se-hwan, Kumho Construction Vice Chairman Park Se-chang, and OCI Group Chairman Lee Woo-hyun.


Among the top 100 conglomerate presidents, the youngest are Woo Ki-won (32), CEO of SM Hiplus, and Kim Yoon-hye (32), CEO of Hoban Property, both born in the 1990s. Woo Ki-won, born in 1991, is the only son of SM Group founder Woo Oh-hyun. Kim Yoon-hye, the eldest daughter of Hoban Group founder Gam Sang-yeol, former chairman of Hoban Construction, is also known to have been born in 1991.


There are relatively many owner-presidents born in the 1980s. They include Kim Dae-heon, President and Chief Planning Officer of Hoban Group (born 1988), Seo Jun-seok, CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Celltrion (born 1987), Kim Dong-won, President and Chief Operating Officer of Hanwha Life Insurance (born 1985), Lee Kyu-ho, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of Kolon Strategy Division (born 1984), Kim Dong-kwan, Vice Chairman of Hanwha Group, Hong Jeong-hyeok, CEO of BGF Eco Materials, and Kim Geon-ho, Chief Operating Officer of Samyang Holdings Strategy Division (born 1983), Jeong Gi-seon, Senior Vice Chairman of HD Hyundai, and Hong Jeong-guk, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of BGF (born 1982), Yang Hong-seok, Vice Chairman of Daishin Securities (born 1981), and Jang Se-hwan, Vice Chairman of Youngpoong E&E (born 1980). Meanwhile, female executives who are heads of the top 100 conglomerates include Lee Seo-hyun, president of Samsung C&T; Lee Myung-hee, chairwoman of Shinsegae Group; Chung Yoo-kyung, chairwoman of Shinsegae Co.; Koo Hye-won, chairwoman of Purun Group; Kim Joo-won, vice-chairwoman of DB Group; Choi Eun-young, chairwoman of Yusu Holdings; Lim Joo-hyun, vice-chairwoman of Hanmi Pharmaceutical; Lee Eo-ryong, chairman of Daishin Securities; and Hyun Jeong-eun, chairwoman of Hyundai Group.

기사제보 및 보도자료 119@breaknews.com
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